Why I’m Okay with Not Seeing Pope Francis in New York

I had the pleasure of seeing and hearing Pope Francis speak twice. All I have for proof for these two encounters are these far away shots, one of a jumbotron. During WYD, I was even close enough to take a picture but decided not to. He looked right at me and I'd never been happier … Continue reading Why I’m Okay with Not Seeing Pope Francis in New York

From a Dream to a Calling: Back from World Youth Day

It has been nearly two weeks since I came back from World Youth Day, and I still feel the warmth (as opposed to feeling chills!) from the blessings received at such an amazing experience! As cliché as it sounds, it was life-changing. I probably would not be here recounting my experience of the event on … Continue reading From a Dream to a Calling: Back from World Youth Day